Canvas Window

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The canvas window shows a live preview of what the title template looks like.

From here objects can be created, edited and positioned as required.

Selecting Objects

To select an object in the current layer, click it within the Canvas window.

If it is hidden behind another object it can be alternately selected from the Layers and Objects List.

If the object won't select, first make sure the Layer that contains it is selected from the Layers and Objects List.

To select multiple objects, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking other objects.

Moving Objects

Click and drag the blue heading to move the object. Dragging within the bounds of the object to move it is also possible.

Rotating Objects

Click and drag the circular arrow icon to rotate the object in two dimensions.

Hold down Shift while dragging to lock the rotate to the nearest 45 degrees.

Resizing Objects

Objects can be resized by dragging one of the 9 corner squares.

When resizing the corners, hold down Shift to preserve the aspect ratio.

Object Alignment

By default. when an object is dragged and moved near another object or the center, a green line will appear on the X or Y axis.

This notes that the object has automatically been locked into place at the green line.

To disable this behavior, toggle the Align Lock in the status bar.

Editing Text

Double click the object to begin editing text, where applicable.
Click another object or click away from the selected object to finish editing.

A real time clock can be inserted into a text object by using the following syntax:


Where DATETIMESTRING contains or more of the letters described here:

For example:

A countdown to a particular time can also be added by using the following syntax:


Where ENDDATETIME is the date/time the countdown should display 0.

For example:

{0:3:00 PM|HH:mm:ss}

Additional countdown options can be set by leaving the text blank and using the Countdown feature in vMix.

Right Click Menu

Right click and object to see a list of common formatting tasks.

These match the corresponding functionality in the Formatting Toolbar.